Negative #ON-0009-1: 17 June, 1945 : Letting go starboard anchor in River Mersey.
Negative #ON-0011: 26 June, 1945 : At Scappa Flow. A British T-class submarine HMS Truncheon is alongside. An enlargement of the crew and sub is below.
26 June, 1945 : HMS Truncheon and crew members. The two round vents in the foreground are aft-facing torpedo tubes.
Negative #ON-0013: 5 July, 1945 : Gibraltar.
Negative #ON-0013-1: 5 July, 1945 : Gibraltar on the horizon.
Negative #ON-0050: 11 Sept., 1945 : At sea in the Bay of Bengal. Evidently the cruiser behind HMCS Ontario is HMS Belfast.
Negative #ON-0051-3: 11 Sept., 1945 : Hong Kong -- watching a British submarine in the distance.
Negative #ON-0130: Leaving an unknown harbour.
Negative #ON-0211-1: Entering an unknown harbour.
Negative #ON-0248: Nov. 25, 1945 : Port Whaler stove-in by heavy weather.
Negative #ON-0252: Nov. 24, 1945 : Port roll. The photo below is an enlargement of the crew members.
Nov. 24, 1945 : Enlargement of the crew members in the photo above.
Negative #ON-0251: Nov. 24, 1945 : Starboard roll. See enlargements of the crew members below.
Nov. 24, 1945 : Crew members in the photo above.
No Negative # : Foc'sle scene with an unknown harbour in the distance.
Negative #ON-0249: Nov. 24, 1945 : The ship takes a wave . . .
Negative #ON-0250: Nov. 24, 1945 : . . . and another.
Negative #6-5: Sunken ship. Manila? Pearl Harbour?
Negative #2-4: Foc'sle of HMCS Ontario.
Negative #2-3: Aircraft flying low.
Negative #2-2: Same aircraft exercise.
Can you provide names, details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.