Photo 436: -- Wrens onboard HMCS Uganda. August 29, 1945.
Gertrude Quinn is being hugged in front, far right.
Photo 432: -- Wrens onboard HMCS Uganda. August 29, 1945.
L to R: Gertrude Quinn, Maxine Peden, Mary Matusky, Judy Lauzen.
Photo 505: -- Victoria, BC, 1945.
Photo 472: -- Victoria, BC, 1945.
L to R: Maxine Peden & John Loggie; Trudy Quinn & Jack York.
Photo 506: -- Moresby II Barracks, Esquimalt, BC.
Naval historian, David Freeman (LCdr, RCN Ret'd) says: " Moresby II was the designation of the second WRCNS barracks in Esquimalt.
Moresby I was the former Coach and Horses Inn on Esquimalt Road, torn down c. 1998. "
Can you provide names, details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.
For more about the history of the WRCNS during WW2, see this article in the Canadian Encyclopedia.
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